A Call for Peace – Ash Wednesday 2nd March 2022  

In response to Pope Francis’ call for prayer and fasting for peace in Ukraine and in the World, we will hold a short candlelit Vigil of Prayer on Wednesday 2nd of March as follows throughout the Diocese of Clonfert

6pm outside St Brendan’s Cathedral, Loughrea

6pm outside St Michael’s Church, Ballinasloe

6pm outside St Brigid’s Church, Portumna

Building on close ties between many of our clergy and clergy in Ukraine we invite people to make a donation to humanitarian aid for those who are suffering. You can do so directly by cheques made Payable to Clonfert Collection, by placing cash in an envelope marked Ukraine and placing it in the collection box in your local church  or through the I Donate system on the Clonfert Diocesan Website noting in the comments that the donations if for Ukraine. All donations will be forwarded to parishes known to us in Ukraine to alleviate the suffering of those most in need at this terrible time for so many.