Best wishes from Bishop Michael to those beginning State Examinations 2024.

“No exam, not matter how important, can ever define you. You are much more than any exam and much more important in God’s eyes than any grade you might receive.”

I know that exam time can be a stressful time. This is all the more when the exams we are sitting might influence our future path in life. I just wanted to let all the young people involved in this year’s state examination processes know that you are very much in my thoughts and prayers at this significant time in your lives. I am also thinking of the parents, guardians, families, teachers and friends of those sitting examinations. It can also be an anxious time for you too.

One of the great things about living in the age in which we live in is that your future does not have to be defined by these exams. Although they are an important step in gaining access to the course or career you have dreamed of, don’t forget that there are many other ways and a variety of other paths that can lead you to where you should be in life. It is not “what you are in life” or “what degree you have” but rather the “kind of person you are” that makes all the difference.

Try to get rest, eat well, take time off, relax as best you can. Find a reasonable study schedule. Do your best and then let God do the rest. He will be there with you to calm those nerves, to help you in ways you might not expect and most of all to give you the gift of perspective.  No exam, not matter how important, can ever define you. You are much more than any exam and much more important in God’s eyes than any grade you might receive. Remembering you all in my prayers at this time and indeed throughout the summer and always. Amen