Bishop Michael sends Christmas Greetings to those who Travelled to World Youth Day 2023 in Lisbon

Hello! I hope you and your family and friends are keeping well. As we approach the great feast of Christmas, I wanted to make contact with you to wish you and yours all God’s blessings this Christmas and throughout the New Year.
I remember fondly those special days in Lisbon when we felt part of a great worldwide Church, young and excited about our faith and ready to witness to the Christian Message and change the world (well at least our little bit of it anyway!). I was particularly impressed by the priests from the Diocese that accompanied our group and I thank them for their ministry among us.
It was good to meet and pray together last month and please God we will do so again early in the New Year. I am hoping also that we will be able to offer a Youth Orientated Pilgrimage in the coming year as well.
Remember this is the eight hundred anniversary of the Crib- so don’t forget the Crib this Christmas. Pause before it, contemplate its message, pray before it – for it is a door by which the Christ Child can enter our minds and our hearts in these special days. Happy Christmas to each and every one of you.
+ Michael Duignan