- The public celebration of all Sunday Masses and Weekday Masses resumes on Monday 10th May 2021.Each church will have its own maximum capacity depending on its size and the two-metre social distancing rule. No church may ever exceed 50 people except where the size of the premises allows pods of 50 people with separate entrance and exit and no crossing between pods.
• Please adhere to all health and safety systems in place locally
• Face coverings should be worn in places of worship by all over the age of 13, unless there are medical reasons for not doing so
• Holy Communion should be received on the hand or alternative arrangements made with the Parish Priest
• Concelebration is not permitted
• The dispensation from the Sunday / Holyday obligation is extended for the time being. Those who can do so safely, are strongly encouraged to return to Mass, while those who are unable to come to Mass are reminded of the importance of marking Sunday by participating online. - The Sacrament of Reconciliation continues to be celebrated, taking into account the requirements of physical distance, hygiene and the integrity of the Sacrament. Confessionals will not be used for the time being.
- Attendance at a Funeral Liturgy or burial is limited, by government, to 50 mourners regardless of the size of the Church building.
- Celebration of the Sacrament of Marriage is limited, by government, to 50 guests regardless of the size of the Church building.
- The Sacrament of the Sick may be celebrated as dictated by pastoral need and with appropriate health and safety measures in place. Please contact your priest if a family member or neighbour requires the Sacrament of Anointing.
- Routine house visits to the sick and elderly may resume in keeping with public health guidelines for visitors to private homes and while adhering to appropriate health and safety measures.
- The Sacrament of Baptism may resume. Detailed information is available your parish priest.
- Sacraments of Confirmation, First Confession and First Holy Communion 2021 (2020). As previously communicated the Sacrament of Confirmation for 2021 will be celebrated end of September/ October 2021. The Diocesan Office will publish a full schedule of Confirmation ceremonies in July 2021. This week we will be sending enrolment forms to Schools for Confirmation Candidates 2021 with a request to return them to the Parish Priest of the Church where the ceremony is to take place. For 2020 candidates who have yet to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation, it is hoped that their Confirmation ceremony may be scheduled at parish level and celebrated by their local priest as soon as it is considered safe to do so. It is strongly advised that parishes defer the celebration of First Confession and First Holy Communion 2021 until Autumn 2021. For 2020 candidates who have yet to celebrate First Confession and First Holy Communion, it is hoped that this may be scheduled at parish level as soon as it is safe to do so. In early September an online revision course in preparation for the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation, First Confession and First Holy Communion will be made available.
- For the moment, outdoor gatherings for worship are not permitted. This includes graveyard masses, etc
- The use of parish premises for any other purposes/parochial activities/community meetings etc is not permitted in line with Government restrictions on organised indoor gatherings.
- Parishes need volunteers to keep our churches open safely –we would appeal to parishioners for help perhaps as stewards, cleaners, etc
Covid-19 is still with us. Remember the basic steps we can all take personally to reduce the spread of the virus – washing our hands regularly, keeping our physical distance, reducing our social contacts, practicing good respiratory hygiene.