Covid-19 Level 5 – Guidance for Parishes Effective from 22nd October 2020  

Until further notice the following restrictions are in place.

(1) Churches will remain open for private prayer with appropriate cleaning, sanitising and social distancing.

(2) There is to be no public Celebration of Mass or other Religious Services. You are invited to join spiritually in Mass and other Religious Services from your home or by means of the parish radio, web-cam or through television and radio broadcasts.

(3) The Sacrament of Reconciliation, Sacrament of the Sick and the Sacrament of Baptism will be celebrated only in cases of grave necessity. All necessary safety precautions are to apply. Please discuss with your local priest over the phone.

(4) Funerals should be conducted in accordance with the safety guidance in “Nothing can Separate us from the Love of God” with a maximum of 25 mourners present.

(5) The Sacrament of Marriage should be celebrated in accordance with the safety guidance in “Nothing can Separate us from the Love of God” with a maximum of 25 guests present.

(6) All gatherings for parish related activities are to be moved on-line.

(7) It is advisable that Parish News Letters continue.

(8) An appropriate means for people to return their donation envelopes will be made available locally. Parishioners may also wish to donate to their parish using the online donation facility on the Clonfert Diocesan Website.

Please continue to pray for our medical staff and front-line workers, our political leaders and our scientists at this time. Please keep safe and help keep each other safe. St Brendan, Pray for us!, Our Lady of Clonfert, Pray for us!