Diocese of Clonfert NBSCCCI Safeguarding Review October 2022  

The Diocese of Clonfert has invited the National Board for Safeguarding Children in the
Catholic Church in Ireland (NBSCCCI) to conduct a review of its child safeguarding
practice. If you have any views about the Safeguarding of Children in the
Parishes/Diocese we invite you to contact us at office@clonfertdiocese.ie or tel.  091
841 560 or directly to the NBSCCCI at admin@safeguarding.ie or tel. 01 5053124.
Our Designated Liaison Persons for receiving reports of a child safeguarding concern
are Mary Gormley  Tel. (087) 2882500) and Rev Ciarán Kitching Tel. (090) 9676151) or
contact  or An Garda Síochána (tel. 1800 555 222), or TUSLA (tel.  091 546366).