Diocese of Clonfert Somalia Vaccination Programme Collection – July 17/18 and 24 /25 July 2021

Please Help!

As a mark of solidarity with many parts of the world less fortunate than ourselves, the Clonfert Diocesan Priests Council has teamed up with Trócaire to organise a Church collection to assist with the Covid-19 Vaccination Programme in Gedo, Somalia.

The church collection will take place on the weekends of  17/18 and 24/25 July 2021

Donations can be made as follows:

  1. Placing your donation in an envelope marked Somalia Vaccination Programme and placing it in the regular collection boxes in the Church. Cheques made payable to Clonfert Collections.
  2. Using the “Spare Envelope” at the back of your box of envelopes and mark it Somalia Vaccination Programme and placing it in the regular collection boxes in the Church. Cheques made payable to Clonfert Collections.
  3. On line via the www.clonfertdiocese.ie – Donate to Parishes. In step 3 “Which Parish are you donating to” the dropdown menu at the bottom has “Charitable Causes Clonfert Diocese”
  4. By post to Clonfert Diocesan office, Coorheen, Loughrea Co Galway H62 TD82 with cheques made payable to Clonfert Collections.

Hooyo. That’s what the people of Gedo in Somalia call Trócaire. The Somali word for ‘Mother’.

They have known Mother Trócaire for 29 years. Thanks the generosity of good parishioners like you, Trócaire has brought safety, health and love to Gedo for every one of those years. You see, the hospitals and medical centres in this whole region of Somalia are Trócaire ones. Four hospitals. 21 medical centres. And the only guaranteed source of sanctuary, shelter , nutritional and medical support to people who have been struck by illness, hunger and Covid-19. And so they come to Mother.

Now, Mother Trócaire’s clinics are the place they will get the precious chance to receive a life-changing Coronavirus vaccine.

But every cent is needed to make sure the clinics can stay open, and have the doctors, nurses and equipment they need to continue to care for the sick, and to deliver the lifesaving vaccine.

If you can help, you will save lives in an area that has had to cope with drought, hunger, plagues of locusts, and Coronavirus in the past year.

Please watch this video featuring Paul Healy, Trócaire’s Country Director in Somalia. It was created last year as Coronavirus was descending on Somalia, one of the poorest nations on earth. https://vimeo.com/408831603

Please support this worthy cause if you can.


Pic: Checking temperatures for fever symptoms to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Habiba Mohamed, one of Trócaire’s health workers, checks the temperature of Mohamed Abdi Ali at Luuq hospital, in the Gedo region of Somalia. Photo : Trócaire.