Greetings from Bishop Michael for Catholic Schools Week 2024  

The Catholic vision of education is rooted in the person of Jesus from Nazareth in Galilee. He came to be known as the Christ or anointed one of God himself. At the heart of the life of Jesus and his message is the reality of love. Not a “fuzzy” type of love but rather something more akin to the love of a parent for a child. Such love creates a profound connection between persons. It is ever thoughtful and ever attentive to the needs of the other. It is intrinsically generous. It instinctively gives of itself for the good of the other person. It nurtures and enhances the lives of all involved and ultimately makes the world a better place.

In theory, at least, enrolling in a Catholic school is enrolling in a school of love. In practice, Catholic schools should be places where relationships are modelled on the selfless love portrayed in the life of Jesus. Where students and staff care for and look out for each other. Where students respect and value each other. Where parents, school management and the wider community give of themselves for the good of each member of the school community.

The theme of this year’s Catholic Schools Week 2024 – “Catholic Schools as Communities of Service” – brings to the fore the idea of the Catholic school as a place where love is practiced and learned. During the year gone by, I have had an opportunity to visit a number of Catholic schools at both primary and post primary level. Each time, I have been struck by the genuine atmosphere of love and care among the staff and students. On many occasions, my visits were associated with events where this love was focused on those who needed a helping hand within the school community – the opening of new facilities for children with additional needs or the launch of a breakfast club. I have witnessed whole school communities engaged in fundraising of charitable work for people less well off than themselves. The shoe-box appeal at Christmas or a non-uniform day for the local branch of St Vincent de Paul or for their local centre accommodating those fleeing from war or poverty. In their own small way, such school communities, inspired by the life and message of Jesus, are striving to make themselves, their communities, and our world a better place.

I take this opportunity to thank our Boards of Management, Principals, Teachers, School Staff, Pupils, Parents, Parents Associations, Priests, the members of our Diocesan Education Secretariats – and all those who are involved in the noble vocation that is Catholic Education throughout our sister Dioceses.

Let me end with a quote from the famous American song writer Oscar Hammerstein “A bell’s not a bell ’til you ring it – A song’s not a song ’til you sing it – Love in your heart wasn’t put there to stay – Love isn’t love ’til you give it away!” My wish and my prayer is that our Catholic school communities would continue not only to teach but also to practice and model the art of giving love away. Amen.

Michael Duignan

Bishop of Clonfert

Bishop of Galway and Kilmacduagh

Apostolic Administrator of Kilfenora


Catholic Schools Week runs from 21st January to 27th January 2024. Further information on Catholic Schools Week and resources for use in your school can be found at


Beannachtaí ón tEaspag Mícheál do

Sheachtain Scoileanna Chaitliceach 2024

Tá fís Caitliceach den oideachas fréamhaithe sa duine Íosa as Nazarat sa Ghailíl.  Ba é an Críost nó an té ungtha ag Dia. Is grá a bhí i gcroílár a bheatha agus a theachtaireacht.  Ní an “fuzzy” chineál grá sin ach rud níos cosúil le grá tuismitheora dá bpáiste.  Cruthaíonn an grá seo ceangal domhain idir daoine.  Bíonn sé i gcónaí  cineálta agus i gcónaí aireach do riachtanais daoine eile. Tá sé flaithiúil as féin.  Tugann sé as féin ar mhaithe le maitheas an duine eile. Cothaíonn agus cuireann sé le saol na ndaoine ina timpeall, agus sa deireadh déanann sé an domhain ina áit níos fearr.

Go teoiriciúil, ar a laghad, nuair a chláraíonn tú i scoil Caitliceach, tá tú ag clárú i scoil an ghrá.  Go praiticiúil, ba cheart gurb iad áiteanna, na scoileanna Caitliceach, ina bhfuil an caidreamh idir daoine bunaithe ar an ngrá neamhleithleach a feictear i mbeatha Íosa.  Áit a bhíonn daltaí agus foirne ag tabhairt aire agus ag faire amach dá chéile.  Áit a bhíonn meas ag daltaí dá chéile.  Áit, a n-oibríonn agus a thugann daoine go leor dóibh féin ar mhaithe le gach aon bhall den pobal scoile -na tuismitheoirí, bord bainistíochta na scoile agus an pobal i gcoitinne.

Is  “An Scoil mar Phobal Chun Seirbhíse”  téama na bliana seo do sheachtain Scoileanna Caitliceach 2024 – Cuireann sé seo chun cinn an smaoineamh gurb ionann Scoil Caitliceach agus áit le grá a chleachtadh agus a fhoghlaim. I rith na bliana atá thart, bhí an deis agam cuairt a thabhairt ar chúpla Scoileanna Caitliceach, bunscoileanna agus meánscoileanna.  Gach uair, chuaigh an t-atmaisféar macánta de ghrá agus de chúram a chonaic mé i measc an fhoireann agus na daltaí go mór i bhfeidhm orm.  Go minic, bhain mo chuairt le hócáidí ina raibh an grá seo dírithe ar dhaoine a bhí lámh cúnta ón pobal scoile de dhíth orthu – oscailt ranganna do pháistí le riachtanais bhreise nó club bricfeasta a sheoladh.  Chonaic mé pobal scoile iomláine ag glacadh páirt i ngníomhaíochtaí tiomsaithe airgid do dhaoine gan mórán.  Achainí bhosca bróg um Nollaig nó Lá Saor ó Éadaí Scoile ar mhaithe lena mbrainse áitiúil de Naomh Uinseann de Pól nó don ionad do dhaoine atá ag éalú ó chogadh nó ón bhochtaineacht.  Bunaithe ar bheatha agus ar theachtaireacht Íosa, tá pobail scoile ag cabhrú, ina chaoi féin, ag déanamh iarracht iad féin, a bpobal agus ár ndomhain a dhéanamh níos fearr.

Ba mhaith liom an deis seo a thógáil mo bhuíochas a ghabháil lenár mBoird Bainistíochta, ár bpríomhoidí, ár múinteoirí, ár bhfoireann scoile, ár gCumainn Tuismitheoirí, ár Sagairt, baill ár Rúnaíocht Oideachais na Deoise – agus na daoine ar fad atá sa ghairm uasal,  an t-Oideachas Caitliceach, inár gComhdheoisí.

Críochnóidh mé le sliocht athfhriotail ón scríbhneoir Meiriceánach mór le rá, Oscar Hammerstein, “A bell’s not a bell ‘til you ring it – A song’s not a song ‘til you sing it – Love in your heart wasn’t put there to stay -Love isn’t love ‘til you give it away!” Is é mo mhian agus mo ghuí go leanfaidh ár bpobal Scoile Caitliceach ní hamháin leis an ngrá a mhúineadh ach é a chur i gcleachtas agus a léiriú conas é a roinnt freisin.    Áiméan.

Mícheál Ó Duigneáin

Easpag Chluain Fearta

Easpag na Gaillimhe agus Chill Mhic Dhuach

Riarthóir Aspalda Chill Fhionnúrach


Tá Seachtain Scoileanna Caitliceach ar siúil 21 – 27 Eanáir 2024. Tá sonraí breise mar aon le hacmhainní le húsáid i do scoil ar fáil ag